2025 Friday Skins 11 for Friday, March 14, 2025
Welcome to the newly revised Friday Skins Game! I’m confident you guys will love the new format. Although many aspects of the game will stay the same, we added a few touches that we think you will like. This game is going to always be revised throughout the year. If there are any suggestions on how we can grow the skins game back to what it used to be, please don’t hesitate to talk to Luke or Tom.
-Below are the key points of the game.
The new format will start March 7th. The month of March will be a 2-man best ball game.
Foretees sign up
Players will need to register on Foretees by 10am on Friday
Payouts will be handed out at the bar at 5pm // If not there we will keep earnings in the safe in Patrick’s office
Pairings will be made by the players, not the golf shop
Gross and net skins, CTPs
All players will do online scoring through golfgenius so the payout process goes smoothly and will get money out to respective players in a timely manner
If players do not use online scoring, they are required to turn in their scorecard to either a golf professional or Tom no later than 30 mins after they finish
We will have awards at end of season for “most gross skins” “most net skins” “scoring average”
Have a end of season tournament to declare a “2025 MGA Friday Skins Champion”
$40 buy in
- $20 skins 10 gross 10 net
- $10 monthly game
- $5 deuces
- $5 CTP (1 on front and 1 on back)